What do you truly see for yourself?

🧠 I’ve been thinking about goals that serve us, and goals that don’t; this time each year I create a vision board for the year ahead (more on what that involves below). It’s also a practice I encourage a lot of my clients to do. 

Today I want to talk about how to ensure our goals and visions are true to us.

Instead of using the conscious mind to help us set our intentions, I suggest we tap into our unconscious through meditation and visualisation. Why? Because often our conscious brain doesn’t know what’s best for us. 

The idiom “Be careful what you wish for” is true. Without discerning whether your goals are ego-driven or something more profound, you can end up manifesting things that aren’t really in your best interest. 

Therapeutic fact: Carl Jung encouraged his patients to creatively engage with their fantasies through drawing, painting, writing and composing. Since the realm of the creative imagination reveals a deeper living intelligence, when we step out of our rational minds, we open ourselves to limitless possibilities. 

📢 Ask yourself: How do I want to feel? (Not what do I want?) What qualities am I being called upon to develop?

💡The revelation:  Only do goal-setting following meditation. Separately, visualise how you would like to feel in your life day-to-day. Visualisation can force us to get clear about what it is we really value. Do this repeatedly over a sustained period of time. 

Then find a way to tangibly create what comes up for you. Whether that’s through drawing what you see, creating a Pinterest board or making a physical vision board, as I like to do.

Every December, I scour magazines and resources to find images and words that resonate with me before sticking these onto some foam board.

The key is to then put this in a prominent place, somewhere you regularly look, since the brain responds most strongly to visual stimulation. Taking a few moments each day to look at what you have created, sends signals to the body to take appropriate action.

💛 Product I’m loving:  I’ve recently had to go dairy-free, which isn’t proving much fun. Booja Booja products - particularly their Salted Caramel truffles (£6.99) - are making it a whole lot better. These might be the most delicious and indulgent chocolates I’ve tasted (with a price tag to match), but considering they’re vegan, organic, gluten-free and dairy free that’s no mean feat.


Can you eat and sleep with them?


Are you cut off from the neck down?